
Showing posts from June, 2024

The daily grind: My battle with ADHD and the quest for healthy eating

This doesn’t relate to my ADHD coaching training but to my ongoing frustration with myself over my diet. I have lost about two stone in the last year, so I have definitely made improvements. However, I fluctuate so much between being healthy and almost binge eating. I’m also pre diabetic and have high cholesterol, both further evidence of my unhealthy diet, and the importance of a consistently healthy diet.  We’ve been on holiday for the last week and my diet has been shocking. All inclusive and all the cakes and treats I could possibly eat! Too hard to resist!  I’ve started reading Jaylen Fleming’s book, ADHD diet for women: How to become healthy and stay healthy (ADHD and women). He advises that eating healthily helps to decrease symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity. This strikes me as a bit of a vicious circle. If I impulsively eat a bar of chocolate, that will potentially increase my levels of impulsivity. I actually feel better when I eat healthily-it’s the one thing...

ADHD Chronicles: When I feel like a letdown.

 We are on day five of our holiday in Turkey.  It’s just as well because it doesn’t sound as though summer is happening in the UK any time soon!  I had lots of plans for this holiday, and I am at risk of feeling as though I have let myself down.  I have attended my three ADHD coaching classes this week and done all the required preparation for them, which some people may consider going above and beyond whilst on holiday.  However, my other main plan was to write and publish two blog posts a week.  My initial goal was to blog at least weekly about what I’m learning in my ADHD coaching training, and how it is impacting on me.  I haven’t got very far with doing that yet!  That then creates a bit of a dilemma-do I go back to the beginning of my training and catch up with the backlog?  Or do I start from here, six weeks in?!  While I ponder that dilemma, I will share some of my own experiences and thoughts about ADHD.  I have definitely ...