Embracing Our Unique Minds: Thriving with ADHD by Working with, Not Against, Our Brains.
I had an initial ADHD life coaching session with a friend yesterday. I'll call him A. Something he kept saying really resonated with me. My interpretation of what he said was, that even things that he is now very good at, such as drawing, were tough for him to learn. He also thinks that he 'should' be able to do things the same way a neurotypical person does them. Thinking about this this morning made me think of my intense struggles getting through the final year of my degree. On one occasion, even the thought of sitting in my study made me cry, and I had to ask for advice from my support worker as to what to do-she advised a walk whilst listening to music on my headphones. This helped, but it was still a few days until I was able to sit in my study. I compare this struggle, where the only thing that got me through the last few months of my degree was the thought of me in my gown at my graduation ceremony, to my experience wit...