Unlocking Rest: Seven Types of Rest to Recharge and Thrive with ADHD
I recently chatted with a friend who also has ADHD about my anxiety around struggling to relax and my desire to find ways to unwind over Christmas. My friend kindly shared a YouTube video, which I found helpful. Here is the link for anyone who wants to check it out:
For one, I never considered there were different types of rest! My main takeaway from watching the video was that resting really isn't sitting on the sofa for hours, scrolling on social media, which I know drains me and I end up feeling guilty. Rest for me could be walking the dog, after sitting at my desk for hours, or journaling or meditating after spending a lot of time with others.
The different types of rest we need are:
Physical rest ~ for me this actually means being active, to counteract the time I spend sitting at my desk. For others who are very active, physical rest may actually mean having a nap during the day.
Mental rest ~ over Christmas, I intend to continue my morning practice of journaling first thing. I also plan to meditate, spend time with our dog, and I'll also read light-hearted fiction.
Sensory rest ~ this is a big one for me! Yesterday I was very pleased with myself for spending a couple of hours cleaning, and also rearranging my study, rather than being on my phone. Then, I ended up playing games on my phone until about 11.30pm, instead of going to sleep. My plan over Christmas is to leave my phone upstairs and read, play board games with my husband, or do a jigsaw instead!
Creative rest ~ it was a big surprise to me when 'creativity' came up in my top five strengths when I did the VIA test! VIA Character Strengths Survey & Character Reports But I have realised that I love creating things! So, a creative rest for me may involve creating something on Canva or going somewhere beautiful with the dog. We spent last weekend by the sea, and I took the dog for a walk first thing on Saturday morning, and I became really emotional, because I never do that at home, and I wish I could! I'd love to live by the sea! I also love taking photographs of nature, so that's another way I can take a creative rest!
Emotional rest ~ this allows us to not people- please! I intend to gain emotional rest by journaling or speaking to a close friend. I will also acknowledge how I feel, and express my feelings openly if I feel safe doing so.
Social rest ~ this is another big one for me! I love spending time with friends and family, but I definitely also need to spend time on my own. I am fortunate that most of the time, I only spend time with people I choose to spend time with, but over Christmas, with family here, I may have to disappear for a little while to reset.
Spiritual rest ~ I am not a religious person at all, but for me to gain spiritual rest, I intend to meditate and spend time in nature.
I intend to pay more attention to my feelings and work out what type of rest I need! And hopefully, the Christmas break will be restful for all of us! Merry Christmas everyone!
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