How to Stop Feeling Guilty for Resting When You Have ADHD
Introduction Rest is essential. But if you have ADHD, you might struggle to allow yourself to rest without guilt. You finally take a break, but instead of enjoying it, your brain starts whispering: ❌ "You should be doing something productive." ❌ "You’re wasting time!" ❌ "You’ll never get anything done if you keep stopping!" So instead of feeling rested, you feel restless. You might even push yourself to keep working—until you hit burnout. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. ADHD brains often struggle with work-rest balance , but learning how to rest without guilt is key to long-term productivity and well-being. Why ADHD Makes Rest Feel Uncomfortable 1. "I Have So Much to Do—How Can I Just Stop?" ADHD makes it hard to prioritise tasks and manage time. This can create a constant feeling of being behind , making rest feel like something you "haven’t earned yet." 2. Hyperfocus and Overworking When ADHDers get into...